West Crow Creek Greenway Plan

Summary of Project
The idea for a Greenway path in the greater Cheyenne area arose from a grassroots group called the Crow Creek Greenway Committee, which formed in 1990 and was the driving force behind getting the project started. Thirty years later and with the involvement of the City of Cheyenne, Laramie County, other governmental agencies, The Cheyenne Greenway Foundation, businesses, citizen volunteers, and schools, Cheyenne boasts more than 47 miles of completed Greenway path with ongoing efforts for future connections as the city grows.
The Greenway serves as a safe and accessible recreational corridor; a key component of transportation alternatives; an open-air science, ecology, history, and health classroom for students of all ages; and a vital public space integral in building sustainable, vibrant, and healthy neighborhoods
and a cohesive community. The Greenway connects neighborhoods, schools, and socioeconomic divides and is a critical part of the city and county infrastructure.
This project will focus on planning the last remaining section of the original Greenway Plan developed in 1992; the West Crow Creek Greenway between Martin Luther King Jr. Park and Freedom Elementary School. The planning will also include the rehabilitation of the Greenway that currently exists through Martin Luther King Jr. Park, as it does not meet current Greenway design standards.
Project Objective
The objective of this project is to develop a preferred alignment and 35% design, including the major roadway crossings, for the West Crow Creek Greenway, between Martin Luther King Jr. Park and Freedom Elementary School.
Project Goals
- Identify the community’s vision for the future greenway.
- Provide an accessible recreation and efficient transportation alternative, that ensures the safety of all users.
- Advance the Crow Creek Greenway towards construction, and completion of the 1992 Greenway Plan.
Outreach and Engagement
Upcoming Events
Public Engagement Meeting #1
Please join us for a presentation and dialog where City and MPO staff, the design team, and community members will explore and discuss strategies that will guide the design concept.
May 16th, 2024
4pm – 6pm
Laramie County Library Cottonwood Room
Public Engagement Meeting #2
Early 2025: Please join us for a presentation and dialog where City and MPO staff, the design team, and community members will discuss the design recommendations.
Stakeholder Meetings
Several stakeholder meetings are planned throughout the project to share project information and receive input on existing concerns and improvement needs. Primary stakeholders include City of Cheyenne Public Works and Board of Public Utilities, Laramie County, WYDOT, F.E Warren A.F.B., and Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) representatives.
Community Meetings
In early 2024 we will be holding the first in-person Public Meeting to present the project and solicit input from residents and area businesses. A second Public Meeting is expected in early 2025 to present recommendations. We welcome and strongly encourage your participation in the meetings.
Outreach and Engagement Results
The project team will post materials, summaries, and results from all of our public engagement events here. Be sure to check back regularly for updates.

Get Involved
You are invited to review, comment, ask questions, and stay connected. For the latest project information and to see additional opportunities to provide feedback, check for updates on our website. Your continued involvement is important to making the future West Crow Creek Greenway meet the mobility needs of our community.
Contact Us
Jeffrey Noffsinger, Director
Phone: 307-637-6299
Email: jnoffsinger@cheyennecity.org