Parsley Blvd Corridor Plan

Summary of Project
Parsley Boulevard is rural in character and does not accommodate all modes of travel including facilities for pedestrians or bicycles. ADA accommodations are also absent along the corridor and at the intersecting roads. The main obstacle to the conversion of Parsley into an urban street is the narrow bridge structure that spans I-80 which does not have sufficient width for sidewalks or bike lanes.
The bridge over I-80 located on Parsley Blvd was built in 1965. The bridge is structurally deficient and has also been impacted numerous times due to over height loads. Due to the costs associated with rehabilitating the structure, and the need to increase vertical clearance beneath the bridge, it is recommended to replace the structure with a new structure that meets current design and functional standards.
It is the intention of this project to create a plan that assures this collector safely encourages and accommodates multimodal travel to the neighborhoods, industrial areas and the LCSD #1 schools, that are nearby. The design of Parsley will influence the vertical and horizontal dimensions for the new WYDOT bridge structure. As growth continues in south Cheyenne, traffic on this road will increase. This plan will recommend Parsley Boulevard’s future needs.
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Click to view the Parsley Blvd Corridor Plan (Appendix A: Public Meetings, Appendix B: Presentations, Appendix C: Traffic Analysis and Crash Data)
Presentation / Open House Materials
Cheyenne Metropolitan Planning Organization has conducted two Open Houses for the Parsley Blvd Corridor Plan. The second meeting was held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the Johnson Jr. High Cafeteria located at 1236 W. Allison Road, Cheyenne, WY. Recommendations for the roadway, intersections and a conceptual alignment of Parsley Blvd., south of College Dr. were shown and can be found at the link below.