Downtown Strategic Parking Management Plan

Summary of Project
The City has been making efforts to make downtown Cheyenne more attractive, vibrant, walkable, family friendly as well as business friendly where residents would feel comfortable living, working and playing. With that goal in mind, the City with its partners has been trying to breathe more life into the downtown area which would include a mix of uses and activities including commercial and retail, entertainment, housing and offices. Growth and activity in downtown is something that all communities want, however with greater amenities in downtown, the existing resources such as parking are stretched thin and will therefore need to be managed in the most effective way.
This study was also identified as a priority by participants from a recently held workshop in Cheyenne through Smart Growth America. The workshop was to assist Cheyenne with Planning for Fiscal and Economic Health. The full report can be found here.
Study Goals
- Understand current conditions as well as future needs
- Look into the future and seek out innovative and new parking opportunities
- Develop an overall vision to guide parking management in downtown Cheyenne for use by policy-makers, city staff, and all interested stakeholders; while also providing direction for day-to-day parking decisions
- Develop strategies and specific action items that address how to achieve that vision
- Convene a diverse group of stakeholders to create a balanced parking system that can meet a variety of needs