1. Approval of the February 16, 2022, minutes
2. Introductions
3. Discussion and recommendation of the FY ’23 – 25 Transportation Improvement Program Amendments
4. Update on the East Pershing Plan by Y2
5. Update on the Walterscheid Plan by BenchMark Engineering
6. Update on the CTP – Transit Development Plan by LSC Transportation Consultants
7. Update on the Colorado/Wyoming Transit Feasibility Study
8. Others
a. East Park Greenway
b. Powderhouse Plan
9. Presentation of City of Cheyenne ADA Curbs
10. Update on current and upcoming local construction projects
a. City of Cheyenne
b. Laramie County
d. Others (LEADS, Warren AFB, LCSD #1, etc.)
11. Other Business
Next Meeting – August 17 or 24 (1st Day of School), TBD