Programa de mejora del transporte
Here at the Cheyenne MPO, we regularly coordinate the development of Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP). Every TIP contains a prioritized list of all proposed WyDOT, City of Cheyenne, and Laramie County transportation projects in the metropolitan area for a three-year period, along with funding estimates for the implementation of those programs.
You can view the most recent TIP below, as well as see past TIPs.
2024–2027 TIP
Transportation Improvement Program 2024-2027 APPROVED
Transportation Improvement Program Amendment Junio 2024 APPROVED
TIP 2022-2025
Programa de Mejora del Transporte 2022-2025 APROBADO
Programa de Mejora del Transporte Enmienda 1 - Mayo 2022 - APROBADO
Annual Listing of Federally Obligated Projects
This list reports all transportation projects for which federal transportation funds were obligated during the federal fiscal year.
Annual Listing 2024 – Pending Approval