Prairie Avenue and Frontier Mall Roundabout

Project Background
In December 2015, increasing safety at the intersection of Prairie Avenue and Frontier Mall Drive was voted as the MPO’s top priority. Shortly after, the City hired engineering firm HDR to prepare the final design.
A study in the Dell Range Corridor Study Phase II/Section 20 Final Report recommended that a roundabout would best improve safety at this particular intersection.
Why a roundabout?
- After careful analysis of existing and future traffic, the study determined a roundabout (rather than a traffic signal) would best improve long-term safety
- A traffic signal would not address the geometric challenges of the intersections, the unsafe skew of which made some turning movements difficult
- The larger, four-lane width of Prairie Avenue made it difficult to cross traffic from Frontier Mall Drive
- The crashes recorded at this intersection, including one fatality, were higher than expected
Before permanent roundabout construction began in August 2020, the City of Cheyenne made a few temporary improvements to the intersection to remove original design flaws and make it safer; namely, adding in a four-way stop, and narrowing down the travel lanes on Prairie Avenue entering the intersection.
Benefits of roundabouts
- Generally experience fewer crashes than other types of at-grade intersection
- Reduce severity of crashes by reducing collision angles compared to traffic signals and stop signs
- Roundabouts cause traffic to slow down and have fewer conflict points for motorists and pedestrians
- Require far less recurring or long-term maintenance and electrical power than a traffic signal
- Provide an opportunity for aesthetic improvements for a corridor
- Are much safer for pedestrians to cross
- Keep traffic moving, reducing wait time at red lights
- Reduce gas consumption and emission