An MPO Technical Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 10:00 AM at The City Municipal Building, Room 208 (and virtually on ZOOM).
1. Approval of the February 17, 2021 minutes
2. Introductions
3. Discussion and Approval of the proposed 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program
4. Discussion and Approval of the proposed 2021 MPO Planning Boundary Map
5. Discussion and Approval of the proposed 2021 Existing Functional Classification and Urban Boundary Map
6. Presentation on the Converse Plan by Ayres Assoc.
7. Update on MPO Planning Projects
a. East Park Greenway and Drainage Plan
b. Walterscheid Plan
c. East Pershing Plan
d. Transit Development Plan
8. Update on current and upcoming local construction projects
a. City of Cheyenne
b. Laramie County
d. Others (LEADS, Warren AFB, LCSD #1, etc.)
9. Other Business
Next Meeting – Possible Special Meeting July 14 for Converse Plan approval
Then August 18