1) Introductions
2) Approval of the December 15, 2021, minutes.
3) Budget Amendment to the FY `22 Unified Planning Work Program
4) Approval of Citizens’ and Technical Committee Membership
5) Update on MPO Planning Projects
a) East Park Greenway and Drainage Plan
b) Walterscheid Plan
c) Transit Development Plan
d) East Pershing Plan
e) Transit Connection Feasibility Analysis: Northern Colorado – Southern Wyoming
f) Powderhouse Plan
6) Connect 2045 – Master Transportation Plan Map Amendment Approvals
7) Update on current and upcoming local construction projects
a) City of Cheyenne
b) Laramie County
d) Others
8) Other Business
a) Preparation of a new Master and Financial Agreement Schedule
Next Meeting June 22, 2022 – Mayor’s Conference Room