1. Approval of the September 20, 2017 minutes.
2. Discussion and Approval of the Converse Plan and Converse/Dell Range Intersection Traffic Safety Plan.
3. Discussion and Approval of the Cheyenne Frontier Days Traffic Study and Transportation Plan.
4. Discussion and Approval of the Southeast Greenway Trails Connector.
5. Discussion on MPO Performance Measures. Approval of Freight Truck Travel Time Reliability.
6. Update on Planning Projects
a. Reed Ave Rail Corridor
b. Whitney Plan
c. Next Projects
7. Citizen Advisory Committee Membership
8. Sweetgrass Traffic Mitigation Agreement
9. Update on current and upcoming projects
a. STP-Urban Projects
b. City of Cheyenne
c. Laramie County
e. Others
10. Other Business
a. MPO Office Open House – January 12, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
b. Next meeting Wednesday, March 21, 2017 in the Mayor’s Office